Simple Steps to a Beautiful & Budget-Friendly DIY Tree Collar

diy tree collar

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I’ve seen a few Christmas tree collars lately that are so beautiful, but not quite in my budget. Which is my favorite time to DIY! So I created this DIY Tree Collar that is easy to make, incredibly cheap, and so beautiful! I can’t wait to share it with you.

Jump to the video of making a DIY Christmas Tree Collar.

Jump to the steps to make a DIY Christmas Tree Collar.

Supplies to Create a DIY Tree Collar

I had most of these supplies on hand, all I had to buy was ribbon and popsicle sticks. So this tree skirt alternative cost me only $6!

Supplies for DIY Tree Collar

Video of Making a Collar for a Christmas Tree

Steps to Make a DIY Christmas Tree Collar

Follow these six simple steps to make the perfect tree skirt alternative.

Step 1: Cut and Roll Cardboard Rectangle

Grab some spare cardboard from your Amazon boxes pile and cut out a rectangle. Mine was 11″x 48″.

You might want to measure the gap of the space between your tree and the floor and adjust the size accordingly.

At this point, I also rolled the cardboard to help create the curved edge.

cutting and rolling steps to make a tree skirt alternative

Step 2: Glue Jumbo Popsicle Sticks to the Cardboard

One at a time, using hot glue, attach your jumbo popsicle sticks to your cardboard.

The top and bottom edges will be covered by ribbon, so don’t worry about the gap!

Gluing jumbo popsicle sticks to make a DIY christmas tree collar

Step 3: Stain Popsicle Sticks

I used a combination of Weathered Oak and Dark Walnut stain and I love how it turned out!

For tips on staining wood, head to our FAQs about staining post.

staining sticks on tree skirt alternative

Step 4: Apply a Top Coat (optional)

Once my stain was dry, I applied a polyurethane top coat. This isn’t totally necessary, but it will make your tree collar more durable!

top coat for diy tree collar

Step 5: Attach Ribbon

Now for it to finally start looking pretty!

Using hot glue again, I attached my ribbon along the top and bottom. I left a little excess on the ends to wrap on to the back to give it a clean edge.

adding ribbon to tree skirt alternative

Step 6: Add Your DIY Tree Collar to your Christmas Tree and Enjoy!

And that’s it! So simple! So cheap! So cute!

Will you be making a tree skirt alternative? I want to hear about it! Tell me about it in the comments below!

tree collar diy

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